Aston & James' Acceptance & Scholarship Evaluation service provides objective and high value guidance to our individuals, who have been accepted to at least one and frequently multiple top-tier MBA programs, so that they can make the best decision regarding which program to enroll in. Aston & James consultants are highly skilled at performing comparative analysis between the various top-tier MBA programs and providing clear recommendations on the appropriate course of action.
Furthermore, Aston & James consultants provide expert guidance in negotiating and securing scholarships as well as additional monetary grants for those who have been offered or not granted scholarships. Aston & James' consultants work in concert with you to make the appropriate requests in a manner which is both professional and effective for the funding that you would like to secure.
The primary objective of the Aston & James' Acceptance & Scholarship Evaluation service is to ensure, that as our clients embark upon the next major phase of their life, that they do so with an absolute affirmation that their decision to attend their school of choice was the right decision to do so.
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